The Top Pet Food Delivery Services for Pets With Allergies and Intolerances

We'll take a look at the best pet food delivery services that cater to special diets and how much you might be able to save.
Common Allergies and Intolerances in Pets
However, for the most part, pet allergies are treatable by avoiding certain foods and products that can make your pet feel very unwell. Common examples include:
Other pets experience upset stomachs, vomiting, skin irritations, bacterial infections, and other complications, so it is vital you work out what they are sensitive or allergic to and cut this from their diet completely.
How to Feed a Pet With Allergies or Intolerances
Some gastrointestinal upsets are caused by an infection or condition rather than diet, and you need to be confident that changing your pet’s food will solve the problem.
The Best Pet Food Delivery Services for Pets With Dietary Needs
Now we’ll explore some of the best options, with information about hypoallergenic, free-from or controlled pet food available for direct delivery to your door.
Butternut Box
The company first asks which breed of dog you have, and you then run through a quiz that asks about things like:
You can even order repeat pet food deliveries for completely vegetarian food, so there is a solution for even the most complex pet diets.
Monster Pet Supplies
There are countless pet food brands, including wet and dry food and treats, including some of these hypoallergenic foods you might be familiar with:
If you’re buying prescription diet food from your vet, it’s very likely you’ll be able to reduce your costs by a significant margin by setting up a repeat pet food delivery through Monster Pet Supplies.
Each order contains up to three bags of handmade treats and one extra item, such as a skincare product or chew.
James Wellbeloved
There are also speciality foods, including:
Each product page has an ingredients tab at the bottom so you can check for any specific allergens or intolerances before you buy.
Maxbone is a premium dog food and accessories store and creates its own range of superfoods, free of all the common culprits, including:
Although you'll need to pay for international shipping if you live outside the US, you can save 15% on your pet food if you subscribe and specify how often you'd like your repeat orders to arrive, from every 14 days to once a month.
Benefits of Feeding Hypoallergenic Pet Food
Most pet owners switch to grain-free or hypoallergenic food when their pet becomes unwell or shows signs of a food intolerance – but others prefer to buy premium pet food regardless to prevent the chance of any possible allergic reaction.
Natural foods and those made without preservatives and artificial substances are known to benefit animals’ immune systems, dental health, digestion, and coats.
The issue with standard pet food is that most brands use artificial colours, chemicals, and other additives to make the food look or smell better – but there are often minimal percentages of actual meat, vegetables, or other ingredients.
Hypoallergenic pet food prevents intolerances from forming because these tend to develop over time and become worse and worse until you change your pet's diet.
Dogs and cats are designed to eat plenty of protein, so creating natural pet food with proteins that are never recognised as an antigen heavily reduces the potential of an allergic reaction or intolerance.
The good news is that a pet food delivery service can make it much more affordable to bulk buy or repeat order sensitive dog food without having to pay multiple times the price of regular food products at the vet.
Although our list isn't exhaustive, it hopefully gives you a good idea about the many alternative options out there, discounts and price reductions available online, and some of the easiest ways to manage your pet’s diet.
We’d always suggest you visit your vet if you have any concerns about your pet’s health or welfare and seek their advice if you are worried about their food and need professional guidance about which ingredients to avoid.